This is just some of my own, Animated Ventriloquist Puppets that I Created.

 This is my Animated Capt. Salty. I built him in 2010 

This is my, Animated DJ that I call. Big Ear DJ that I build in, October 2009. And finished in. March 2010. 


This is just a sample of how the, Big Ear DJ works. The servos are loud, but when there at the Rave, you do not hear them.

This is my, most resent Animated DJ that I call. Goofy DJ. I started him in. December 2009. He was finished. May 2010.

This is just a sample of how the, Goofy DJ works. His servos are loud as well but when there at the Rave, you do not hear them. The Goofy DJ was video in the dark so you can see the full effect at night.

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