How To Build Simple

              Puppets and Marionettes

First let us build a simple styrofoam and Drinking Straw Puppet.

 Supplies needed:

  • Clean styrofoam trays - if you can find colored trays, they make great puppets.
  • Scissors
  • Drinking straws
  • Pens, gel pens, or markers
  • Tape
  • Optional - googly eyes and a glue stick
  • Optional - construction paper to make details, like a mouth, hat, etc.
  • Optional - yarn for whiskers or hair

Clean a styrofoam tray with warm water and detergent.

Using a pen, draw the outline of an animal (head or entire body), person, or something else on the tray. A simple circle or oval with ears will make most animal heads.


Print out the templat that you like. One or all of em. I will be adding more soon.

For the puppet's details (like the nose, eyes, mouth, whiskers, or a hat), either draw them with a pen (or marker), or cut them out of construction paper and glue them on the puppet. To make hair or whiskers, you can glue on bits of yarn.

Optional: Glue on googly eyes using a glue stick.


 Tape the back of your styrofoam animal to the end of a drinking straw.

You now have a great animal puppet that you can use to put on a play or use while reading your favorite story. 

All of the styrofoam and Drinking Straw Puppets are put together the same way. If you need any help, please let me know. Now let us build a Theater for your, Drinking Straw Puppets.

How to build a, Puppet Theater.

 Supplies needed:

  • A large, empty cereal box
  • Poster paint (one color) Paint brush
  • Old newspapers (to protect the table)
  • Colored construction paper (or scraps of fabric) for the curtains
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • A pencil

Cut the top off a cereal box (this will be the bottom of the theater). 

Using poster paint, paint the box (use old newspaper to protect your work surface). Let it dry completely. 

 Cut a rectangular hole on one side of the box -- this will be the stage of your theater. Leave at least 2 inches of the box so the box will not fall apart.

 Using colored construction paper, draw and cut out curtains for your theater.

If you'd like, use small rectangular scraps of fabric instead of the construction paper.

 Glue the curtains to the box. Cut a tiny rectangle of contrasting color paper for the pretend curtain tie-back. For the fabric version, use a twist-tie as a tie back.

 You now have a tiny theater that is useful for putting on shows with finger puppets, popsicle stick puppets.

 That is all there is to it. Enjoy your, puppets, and Puppet Theater. 

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